On 9 December, UNLIREC held consultations with the Government of Belize to discuss its Draft National Action Plan on Implementation of UNSCR 1540(2004). This meeting brought together 12 representatives from eight institutions and agencies (including the Belize Coast Guard, Defence Force, Immigration, Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA), Police Department, National Security Council Secretariat, Customs & Excise Department and Port Authority).
UNLIREC presented summaries of the resolution and its main obligations, as well as of UNLIREC’s national legal study and its main recommendations for better aligning 1540 obligations with national provisions. In turn, Belize delivered a presentation on the status of implementation of the resolution in the country to date. CARICOM also provided a presentation on the relevance of the implementation of 1540 Resolution in the region, with special emphasis on Belize.
During the intense one-day workshop, the group identified and established a series of official focal points from each of the stakeholder institutions present, and discussed the content of a Voluntary National Action Plan that is to be presented to the 1540 Committee in the near future. Issues relating to the modernization of legislation, training and equipment needs, as well as assignment of specific roles and responsibilities, were addressed throughout the day.
Prior to this workshop, in July 2015, UNLIREC assisted Belize in the preliminary discussions for the drafting of the National Action Plan.
This meeting forms part of UNLIREC’s 1540 Assistance Package for Caribbean States with the financial support of Canada.