The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) continues its progress in the implementation of its project entitled ‘Strengthening capacities for the effective and transparent management of small arms and ammunition in the private security sector‘.

In collaboration with the national directorate for the control of security services, firearms, ammunition and explosives (SUCAMEC), UNLIREC has promoted protocols, procedures and good practices in small arms and ammunition management in the private security sector, in line with the United Nations International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS) and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC). The implementation of these standards improves the efficiency of small arms and ammunition inventory management in these companies to prevent accidents and avoid their diversion to illicit markets and actors.

As part of this project, UNLIREC assessed levels of compliance of three Peruvian private security companies with ISACS and made a number of recommendations for areas of improvement, such as infrastructure, physical security and inventory management. UNLIREC and SUCAMEC also supported these private security companies in strengthen their small arms and ammunition inventory management by facilitating the secondary marking of their small arms with laser technology to affix unique markings including the importer, year of import and end user. This marking process helps Peru comply with international and regional agreements on secondary marking of imported small arms. In addition, these markings allow for lost or stolen firearms to be traced more expeditiously.

UNLIREC`s ‘Strengthening capacities for effective and transparent management of small arms and ammunition in the private security sector’ project is financed by the Federal Republic of Germany and is implemented in collaboration with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF). Its main goal is to promote internationally accepted standards, good practices and initiatives, such as the ISACS and the ICoC.

By assisting Latin American and Caribbean States, UNLIREC supports improvements in public security and the implementation of the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms (UN 2001 PoA).

For more information about UNLIREC, visit ( or contact Amanda Cowl, Political Affairs Officer, (