On 4 October 2017, UNLIREC travelled to Georgetown, Guyana to co-host a National Action Plan (NAP) workshop with Guyana’s Ministry of Public Security as part of UNLIREC’s Programme for Strengthening the Capacities of States in Latin America and the Caribbean to Implement UNSCR 1540 (2004).
The NAP workshop was a follow-on event from the recently held National Legal Study roundtable and it provided a forum for national authority representatives to come together, with UNLIREC’s assistance, to develop a draft NAP document that sets out Guyana’s plan for implementing resolution 1540.
Participating agencies included the Ministries of Foreign Affairs; Public Health: Public Affairs; Agriculture; Finance; Guyana Revenue Authority; Guyana Police Force and Guyana Defence Force. The roundtable workshop was also attended and supported by Dr Richard Cupitt, Senior Associate Stimson Centre as well as a member of the 1540 Group of Experts.
The workshop proved to be extremely productive, with a draft NAP produced before the day concluded.
UNLIREC looks forwards to having the opportunity to provide Guyana with continued assistance both in the further elaboration of its draft NAP for UNSCR 1540 implementation and more broadly, through UNLIREC’s other disarmament programmes.