On 26 August 2013, the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – in its role as President of the National Commission against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials (CONATIAF, for its acronym in Spanish) organized a “Specialized Workshop on Firearms and Ammunition: Mechanisms and Control Measures”.

The main purpose of the workshop was to engage in focused dialogue with CONATIAF members concerning implementation of the obligations found in the different international firearms instruments.

At the request of CONATIAF, UNLIREC delivered presentations on the definitions and classifications of firearms, ammunition and explosives according to the United Nations system, and addressed the key provisions stipulated in the international instruments regarding the marking of firearms and ammunition.

UNLIREC’s “Technical Guidelines for the Marking of Small Arms and Ammunition” formed the basis of conversation for debate among authorities on marking issues. The guide is a tool aimed at facilitating the standardization of firearms and ammunition marking practices in the Latin American and Caribbean region. This technical guide is based on the International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS) and the best practices of States in the region. The main advantages of marking firearms is to facilitate tracing, information exchange , improve firearms control and stockpile management, as well as to strengthen regional and international cooperation in terms of controlling legal trade and combating illicit trafficking. Marking is one of the most effective measures to control firearms proliferation and engage in investigations dealing with firearms trafficking and/or their unlawful use.

Authorities from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the CONATIAF, as well as legal representatives attended the one-day workshop. The different working groups of CONATIAF will follow up on advancing and strengthening the implementation of the instruments and their obligations with a view to limiting the harmful impact illicit firearms trafficking has on public safety and security.

For more information on UNLIREC visit (www.unlirec.org). Please direct all questions or inquiries to Amanda Cowl, Political Affairs Officer (cowl@unlirec.org).