Oct 21, 2024 | Conventional Arms Programme
From 21 to 25 October 2024, 35 representatives of various institutions responsible for firearms and ammunition control in Paraguay participated in the Course on Combating Trafficking in Arms and Ammunition (CTAM). This training was organized by the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay and support from the Directorate of War Materiel (DIMABEL).
Participants included representatives from the National Administration of Navigation and Ports, the National Defense Council, the National Directorate of Civil Aeronautics, the Directorate of War Materiel, the National Directorate of Tax Revenue, the National Directorate of Migration, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Naval Prefecture, and the Secretariat for the Prevention of Money Laundering. They shared their experiences and challenges in addressing the issue of arms trafficking.
During the opening session, Colonel Marcos Mendoza Fretez from DIMABEL, Mr. Francisco Oxilia Vera from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Gordon Kricke, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Paraguay, emphasized the importance of strengthening national capacities and enhancing international cooperation to prevent and combat the diversion and illicit trafficking of arms and ammunition —an issue that significantly impacts the region.
The objective of the CTAM was to equip national authorities with the knowledge and technical tools necessary to implement strategies for preventing and combating illicit trafficking in firearms and ammunition in line with international instruments. The course covered a range of topics, including a overview of illicit firearms trafficking trends in Latin America and the Caribbean, methods used for the illicit manufacture and trafficking of firearms, and the vital role of control systems and documentation for international transfers of and ammunition in preventing and combating these crimes.. It also addressed measures to prevent illicit brokering and explored mechanisms and tools for international cooperation in cases of firearms trafficking. INTERPOL contributed to the course by sharing insights on recent joint operations in the region, trends in illicit trafficking , and tools available to member states for facilitating information exchange and promoting international cooperation.
Representatives from DIMABEL, the agency responsible for arms oversight in Paraguay, showcased national efforts to strengthen firearms control and combat diversion and illicit trafficking of arms and ammunition. A notable initiative is the implementation of the DIMABEL Integrated System (SID), a national registry that consolidates all activities related to firearms and related materials conducted by individuals and commercial entities. Together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they presented mechanisms for international cooperation, fostering an environment for inter-institutional information exchange and the sharing of best practices.
The CTAM course is part of the project “Supporting the Implementation of Subregional, Regional and Global Instruments and Frameworks Related to Small Arms Control and Ammunition Management Across Latin America and The Caribbean”, funded by Germany.
Sep 23, 2024 | Conventional Arms Programme
From 23 to September 25, 2024, the Government of The Bahamas, supported by the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament, and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) and the Caribbean Community’s Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (CARICOM IMPACS), held a three-day inter-institutional roundtable meeting in Nassau to advance on the development of their National Action Plan as part of the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap initiative.
UNLIREC and CARICOM IMPACS are the co-custodians of the Roadmap. They are supporting its effective implementation in collaboration with other regional and international partners with the support of the donor community. This meeting marks a key milestone for The Bahamas by aligning its national priorities with the overarching vision of the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap to create a safer region. By developing a National Action Plan, The Bahamas joins twelve other Caribbean nations in identifying priority actions and tracking progress in combating illicit firearms trafficking.
The event brought together 22 Bahamian officials, including nine women, from agencies such as law enforcement, prosecution, justice, defense, customs, immigration, and foreign affairs. Discussions focused on monitoring, evaluation, and national firearms-related challenges, with participants adopting a comprehensive approach to addressing illicit firearms trafficking and fostering a collaborative framework for future progress.
Presentations and discussions covered the legal framework for Goal 1 and best practices for Goals 2, 3, and 4. As a result, The Bahamas outlined national priorities and concrete actions they wish to take forward in their National Action Plan and completed a significant portion of its baseline assessment.
The vision for the Roadmap is a safer Caribbean. This will be achieved by adopting sustainable solutions to the prevention and combat of illicit proliferation of firearms and ammunition that are consistent with international norms and the Caribbean context. The meeting was aligned with the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particular Goal 16, and was financially supported by the United States Government.
For more information on the Caribbean Firearm Roadmap visit: https://unlirec.org/en/publicacion/caribbean-firearms-roadmap/
Sep 18, 2024 | Conventional Arms Programme
Kingston/Jamaica, 18 September 2024 – In an effort to take a stand against firearm violence in Jamaican schools, the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament, and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) and the Jamaican Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY) have launched a competition entitled “Music and Visual Art for Change: Preventing Firearm Violence in Schools”. This initiative invites students ages 12 to 19 across Jamaica to use their artistic and musical talents to convey the powerful message of peace and firearm violence prevention.
The “Music and Visual Art for Change” competition seeks to harness the transformative power of music and art to address and prevent firearms possession and violence in schools. By encouraging Jamaican youth to create art and music that promote peace, this initiative aspires to shape a positive narrative that stands against the normalization of firearm violence.
The competition seeks to emphasize that firearms are not symbols of power or strength. True strength is found in standing firm in one’s values, prompting peace, unity, and positive change, including through creative self-expression. Respect is earned through kindness and establishing non-violent conflict resolution in communities, while cultivating positive influences. By embracing these principles, the initiative aims to support and inspire the younger generation to reject violence and build safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all.
How to Participate
Jamaican students, ages 12 to 19, can submit their artistic creations, including paintings, drawings, graphic designs, photographs or musical compositions at www.unlirec.org/music-art by 21 October 2024. Entries should reflect the core message of non-violence and peace, promoting the prevention of the possession of firearms and their use in schools.
The competition opens today, 18 September 2024, and will run until 21 October 2024. Entries will be reviewed between 21 October 2024 and 10 November 2024, and the public will have the chance to vote for their favorite submissions via social media. Finalists will be announced on 11 November 2024. The competition will culminate with an event held in Kingston, Jamaica, during the month of November, which will showcase the submissions of the finalists and will be followed by an award ceremony to announce the winners of the competition.
To learn more visit www.unlirec.org/music-art and follow UNLIREC´s and MOEY´s social media accounts for updates and announcements: @unlirec_official, @moeyjamaica, @unjamaica.
Help us spread the word about this important initiative by sharing this opportunity with your friends, family, and colleagues! Together, we can create a safer future, free from firearm violence, in Jamaica.
“Music and Visual Art for Change: Preventing Firearms Violence in Schools” is part of the activities carried out by the United Nations and Jamaican authorities under the Saving Lives Entity (SALIENT) fund initiative in Jamaica. This initiative seeks to tackle armed violence in Jamaica as part of a comprehensive approach to sustainable security and development.
This competition supports the implementation of the Youth, Peace, Security agenda; the United Nations General Assembly resolutions on Youth, disarmament and non-proliferation, as well as; the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) plays a vital role in advancing arms control, fostering peace, and supporting sustainable development across the region.
The Jamaican Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY) is committed to improving educational outcomes and the well-being of students across Jamaica.
For more information, please visit www.unlirec.org/music-art or email music-art@unlirec.org.
Sep 11, 2024 | Conventional Arms Programme
From 9-18 September, prosecutors from Honduras are participating in the Specialized Course for Prosecutors on the investigation of Firearms-related Crimes from a Gender Perspective (CEFAF). This course is organized by the United Nations Regional Center for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC), in coordination with the “Orlan Arturo Chávez” Training School of the Honduran Prosecutor’s Office.
This course is conducted in a virtual format and aims to raise awareness among public prosecutors and support staff about the importance of incorporating the gender perspective into the design of legal strategies and the development of case theories in investigations of crimes against women involving the presence of firearms.
“The organization of this course was motivated by a deeply concerning issue: femicide, particularly the use of firearms in the commission of this grave crime. The extremely high rate of impunity for these offences is unacceptable. We must improve in this area. As prosecutors, t is in your hands to conduct thorough investigations that lead to arrests and subsequent convictions in the courts”, emphasized the representative of the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Honduras.
The Course for Prosecutors on the Investigation of Firearms-related Cases from a Gender Perspective (CEFAF) encourages exchange and participation. It aims to understand the experiences, good practices, and challenges faced by the Honduran Prosecutor’s Office in applying a gender perspective during investigations.
The CEFAF is aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Goals 5 and 16. These goals aim to eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls and to reduce illicit arms flows.
This activity is part of the SALIENT (Saving Lives Entity) in Honduras, implemented by UNLIREC (as the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs’ regional center) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Sep 4, 2024 | Conventional Arms Programme
From 4 to 25 September 2024, authorities from Surinameparticipated in a specialized training course on Interdicting Small Arms, Ammunition, Parts and Components (ISAAPC), organized by the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC).
Twenty-one officials, including five women, from various agencies — such as the Ministry of Defence, the Suriname Armed Forces, the Korps Militaire Politie, Airport Authorities and the Suriname Police Force— actively engaged in this hybrid course: This marks the first national ISAAPC training delivered in Suriname, aimed at enhancing the country’s capacity to detect trafficked weapons and ammunition.
The ISAAPC course combined virtual theoretical sessions with in-person practical presentations and exercises. Participants received hands-on training using an X-ray simulation programme, an interactive platform designed to teach users to identify concealment methods employed by traffickers in the region. This platform was developed by the Centre for Adaptive Security Research and Applications (CASRA).
Through this training, participants learned essential fundamental aspects of X-ray technology for detecting and identifying small arms, their parts and components, ammunition, and explosives placed or concealed in postal shipments, packages, parcels, and luggage at entry, exit, and transit points across the country.
The ISAAPC course UNLIREC’s technical assistance under the ’‘Combating Illicit firearms and Ammunition Trafficking in the Caribbean” project, funded by the United States. It aligns with the 2001 UN Programme of Action on small arms, the Arms Trade Treaty, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly target 16.4. This initiative also supports regional efforts to prevent illicit trafficking of firearms and ammunition, as outlined in the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap.
Aug 29, 2024 | Conventional Arms Programme
On 23 July, 25 July, and 14 August 2024, the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC), in collaboration with the Caribbean Community Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (CARICOM IMPACS) delivered a series of webinars centred on the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) component of the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap (CFRM).
The three webinars were conducted as part of a broader initiative to support States in their monitoring and evaluation efforts, titled “Roadmap to Reporting: A Sensitization and Training Series for Monitoring and Evaluation under the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap” ahead of the reporting deadline of 25 September 2024.
The webinars addressed three key topics, beginning with an introduction to M&E for the CFRM, followed by the data collection for the CFRM, and the use of data to advance the CFRM.
Presentations were delivered by UNLIREC, CARICOM IMPACS, and the United Nations Development Programme, Southern Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (UNDP SEESAC). Additionally, States were invited to share their experiences with the M&E processes of the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap during these sessions.
A total of fifty-nine persons participated in at least one of the webinars, including twenty-two women, representing nine States: Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago.
The series of webinars was carried out in line with Goal 1 of the Caribbean Firearms Roadmap, in particular, Action 1.3.3, as well as Sustainable Development Goal 16, “Peace, justice, and strong institutions” (Target 16.4), and were made possible with funding from Canada.
UNLIREC, as the regional centre for the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs seeks to advance the cause of practical disarmament in Latin America and the Caribbean. This effort is part of its commitment to support Member States in implementing international disarmament and non-proliferation instruments, in particular the 2001 United Nations Programme of Action on Small Arms (UN PoA).