The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) continues to assist States of the region with the objective of supporting their efforts to implement the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). UNLIREC, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Interior and Police, carried out a Second Implementation Course of the Arms Trade Treaty (CITCA), which was held in Santo Domingo, from February 11th to February 14th.
Along four days, 25 participants, representing 8 institutions, analyzed the arms trade context in Latin America and the Caribbean, classified weapons and elements under the scope of the Treaty, expanded their knowledge on applicable regulatory provisions and became familiar with various topics such as end use and end user documentation, the national control list or the export assessment, among other topics to which the ATT makes reference. The theoretical sessions were complemented, during the last day sessions, with two practical exercises, in which participants simulated the assessment of two export applications, in line with the provisions of the ATT and from the perspective of the national control authority.
CITCA aims to provide States with sufficient tools to ensure the effective implementation of the Treaty, so that adequate control mechanisms are established for international transfers of conventional weapons, their ammunition and their parts and components, with the ultimate goal of reducing the undesired consequences of legal trade of these elements as well as their diversion.
This activity took place within the framework of the implementation of the Dominican Republic ATT´s project, thanks to the financial support of the Voluntary Trust Fund of the Arms Trade Treaty.