Oct 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
On 15 October 2020, the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC), in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador, conducted a seminar on measures for preventing armed violence against women.
Approximately 40 officials from the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Security, and Defense (Arms Registry Department), the National Civil Police (Gender Unit) and the Salvadoran Institute for the Development of Women (ISDEMU) participated in the one-day virtual event.
UNLIREC launched the seminar with an overview and analysis of statistics on armed violence and violence against women (VAW) in El Salvador and the wider Latin American and Caribbean region, emphasizing feminicides and the impact influence of firearms on the various types of VAW (physical, sexual and psychological). Subsequently, UNLIREC presented the findings from its legal study on the link between rules on gender-based violence and small arms control and regulatory standards.
ISDEMU participated in discussions in order to promote a comprehensive and interinstitutional approach to the problem by exploring the various policies implemented in El Salvador vis-à-vis the prevention of VAW.
Finally, there was a walkthrough of the various strategies selected by the countries of the region to prevent and address VAW during social isolation and confinement measures throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and recommendations on how to integrate firearms control into these initiatives, and vice versa; that is, recommendations to integrate gender perspectives and prevention of VAW into firearms control measures. The need to evaluate the continued implementation of some measures and recommendations beyond the pandemic was also addressed.
A common theme of the event was the importance of coordination and cooperation among institutions with responsibilities in the prevention of VAW and care for victims, and the control and regulation of firearms and ammunition.
This activity forms part of UNLIREC’s ‘Women, Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Arms Control Programme’, supported by the Government of Canada and the European Union.
Sep 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC), in coordination with the Office of Cooperation and International Relations and the Technical Secretariat on Gender of the Judicial Branch of Costa Rica, conducted its Specialised Course on Firearms Investigations from a Gender Perspective (FIGP) from 25 August to 4 September, 2020.
More than thirty officials from the Judicial Branch were trained, including prosecutors from the Public Ministry, investigators from the Judicial Investigation Agency, and training managers – specialising in firearms – from the JIA Judicial School.
The course took place virtually and was divided into six interactive meetings, in which participants were able to share their experiences and converse with UNLIREC instructors. The course addressed aspects (theoretical and technical) of criminal investigations and the way in which gender perspective – as a method of analysis –contributes to formulating conclusions free of stereotypes, based on objective scientific or technical studies grounded in appropriate theory. Case studies highlighted the absence of a gender perspective in firearms investigations and the violation of rights this implies for victims and their families.
The course highlighted the importance of appropriately handling the crime scene and firearms and ammunition as physical evidence in the gendered investigation of crimes against women. Throughout the course, good practices were shared, and participants were urged to strengthen coordination and cooperation between all actors involved in the different stages of the judicial investigation, with the aim of optimising their individual and collective efforts to tackle firearms-related crimes. This requires special attention to cases of gender-based violence, thus contributing to reductions in impunity levels and to strengthening the capacities of institutions in the justice and security sectors.
Finally, there was a practical group exercise via a newly developed on-line platform, whereby participants had to apply the content observed in the classes: preservation of the crime scene, search and prioritisation of evidence supported by the gender perspective for the formulation of the preliminary hypothesis of events.
To conclude the course, Magistrate Roxana Chacón Artavia, coordinator of the Gender Commission of the Judicial Branch, thanked UNLIREC for organising the course, and stressed that “Without a doubt, everything that officials of the Judicial Branch learned will be very useful in the analysis and investigation of cases, which is indeed what we had intended – that there is important training so that they can resolve different events with a gender perspective”. She also thanked the Office of Cooperation and International Relations and the Technical Secretariat on Gender of the Judicial Branch for their efforts in carrying out the course, the head of the Judicial Investigation Agency, the Attorney General of the Republic and the head of the Judicial School for accepting the invitation and thus contributing to the inter-institutional approach to the problem.
This activity forms part of UNLIREC’s ‘Women, Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-proliferation Programme’, supported by the Government of Canada and the European Union.
Sep 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC), in coordination with the Office for Women of the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina, conducted its Specialized Course on Firearms Investigations from a Gender Perspective (FIGP) from 18-31 August 2020.
More than fifty officials from different positions and functions of the Judiciary in twenty provinces of Argentina, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the Nation were trained, including prosecutors, judges, ministers of provincial courts and authorities of specialised bodies on gender-based violence against women. It is important to note that forensic experts and specialised police personnel from the areas of criminal investigation and ballistics also participated, providing an inter-institutional approach.
The course took place virtually and was divided into six interactive meetings, in which participants were able to share their experiences and converse with UNLIREC instructors. The course addressed aspects (theoretical and technical) of criminal investigations and the way in which gender perspective – as a method of analysis – contributes to formulating conclusions free of stereotypes, based on objective scientific or technical studies are grounded in appropriate theory. Case studies highlighted the absence of a gender perspective in firearms investigations and the violation of rights this implies for victims and their families.
During the training, emphasis was placed on the use of firearms to commit different types of violence against women, that is, not only when they are used as homicide weapons, but also as instruments to threaten, intimidate and coerce. The training highlighted the importance of appropriately handling the crime scene and firearms and ammunition as physical evidence in the gendered investigation of crimes against women. Throughout the course, good practices were shared and participants were urged to strengthen coordination and cooperation between all actors involved in the different stages of the judicial investigation, with the aim of optimising their individual and collective efforts to tackle firearms-related crimes. This requires special attention to cases of gender-based violence, thus contributing to reductions in impunity levels and to strengthen the capacities of institutions in the justice and security sectors.
Finally, there was a practical group exercise via a newly-developed on-line platform, whereby participants had to apply the content observed in the classes: preservation of the crime scene, search and prioritisation of evidence supported by the gender perspective for the formulation of the preliminary hypothesis of events.
To conclude the course, the Vice President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Dr Elena Highton de Nolasco, the authority in charge of the Office of Domestic Violence and the Office for Women, sent a message of gratitude to UNLIREC for organising the course and called for “the disarmament of violence” and ongoing training in this area to advance in the protection of women’s rights.
This activity forms part of UNLIREC’s ‘Women, Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-proliferation Programme’, supported by the Government of Canada and the European Union.