General Assembly resolution 65/69 recognizes the valuable contribution of women to practical disarmament measures in the prevention and reduction of armed violence and armed conflict, and in promoting disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control and calls for the promotion of the equitable representation of women in all decision-making processes with regard to matters related to disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control.
UNLIREC supports implementation of this resolution by working with national and regional arms control and regulating authorities, law enforcement, judicial operators and legislators with a view to:
- integrating gender-sensitive perspectives into national arms control measures.
- Increasing the participation of female officers working on security and arms control.
- bolstering the technical capacity of women trained in specialized arms control measures.
- empowering women to meaningfully contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through practical disarmament efforts.
- generating evidence-based dialogue on the status of firearms possession and use in academic settings with a focus on women and girls.