General Assembly resolution 65/69 recognizes the valuable contribution of women to practical disarmament measures in the prevention and reduction of armed violence and armed conflict, and in promoting disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control and calls for the promotion of the equitable representation of women in all decision-making processes with regard to matters related to disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control.
UNLIREC supports implementation of this resolution by working with national and regional arms control and regulating authorities, law enforcement, judicial operators and legislators with a view to:
- integrating gender-sensitive perspectives into national arms control measures.
- Increasing the participation of female officers working on security and arms control.
- bolstering the technical capacity of women trained in specialized arms control measures.
- empowering women to meaningfully contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through practical disarmament efforts.
- generating evidence-based dialogue on the status of firearms possession and use in academic settings with a focus on women and girls.
With the support of:



European Union
Fact Sheets
Women, Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Arms Control
Specialised Course on Firearms Investigations from a Gender Perspective (FIGP)
Women Forces of Change
Forces of Change IV: Latin American and Caribbean women promoting disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control
Forces of Change III: Latin American and Caribbean women share experiences on disarmament, security and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal
Forces of Change II: Recognizing the Contribution of Latin American and Caribbean Women to Disarmament
Forces of Change: Profiles of Latin American and Caribbean Women Combating Illicit Trafficking in Small Arms
Gender and small arms control
Preventing violence against women through arms control in Latin America and the Caribbean
[Versão em português] Prevenção da violência contra as mulheres por meio do controle de armas na América Latina e Caribe
[Version française] Prévention de la violence contre les femmes par le contrôle des armes en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes
Legal studies
Normative study: Making the link between norms on violence against women and small arms control and regulation norms: Analysis of CARICOM States
[Available in Spanish] Normative study: Making the link between norms on violence against women and small arms control and regulation norms: Analysis of Central America, Colombia, Mexico and D. Republic
[Available in Spanish] Normative study: Making the link between norms on violence against women and small arms control and regulation norms: Analysis of South America
[Disponible en française] Étude juridique: Établir le lien entre les normes de prévention de la violence contre les femmes et les normes de contrôle et de réglementation des armes de petit calibre - Analyse de Haïti
[Disponível em português] Estudo normativo: A correlação necessária entre as normas sobre violência contra a mulher e as normas de regulamentação e controle de armas pequeñas: Análise dos países da América do Sul
[Available in Spanish] Normative study: Making the link between norms on violence against women and small arms control and regulation norms: specific case of Peru