Job Opportunities

UNLIREC is one of three Regional Centres of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).  Forms part of the Regional Disarmament, Information and Outreach Branch (RDIOB) of UNODA, which oversees and coordinates the activities of all the disarmament centres for peace and development.

UNLIREC is the only UN regional entity specialized in disarmament and non-proliferation in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Its main function is to translate the decisions, instruments and commitments of Member States in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation into action, at national, sub-regional and regional levels. In short, UNLIREC supports States of the region in achieving and maintaining peace and security through disarmament.

[Available in Spanish] Oficial Técnico – Programa de Armas Convencionales

Qualified candidates who are interested in the above position are invited to submit their application, attaching a UN Personal History Form, screening questionnaire, with contact details of two professional references, as well as an Economic Proposal, no later than 05 August 2024.

Enviar sus propuestas a:
Con la referencia: Oficial Técnico Vacante 2024-07-01.

Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for on-call technical advisers in conventional weapons-including SALWs, ammunition and explosive identification and control

Qualified candidates who are interested in the above position are invited to submit their application, attaching a UN Personal History Form, screening questionnaire, with contact details of two professional references, as well as an Economic Proposal, no later than 07 August 2024.

Subject: Vacancy #07-02-2024.

Acuerdo a Largo Plazo (LTA) para asesores técnicos de guardia en materia de armas convencionales, incluyendo la identificación y el control de armas pequeñas y ligeras (APAL), municiones y explosivos.

Los/as consultores/as individuales interesados deben enviar la siguiente documentación/información para demostrar sus calificaciones a Recursos Humanos de UNLIREC ( a más tardar el 7 de agosto de 2024:

Asunto: Vacante #07-02-2024.

  • UN Personal History Form (PHP), incluyendo datos de contacto de referencias profesionales.
  • Propuesta económica.
  • Copias de certificaciones de formación que demuestren competencia técnica en las áreas relacionadas.
  • Cuestionario de selección.

Accord à Long Terme (ALT) pour conseillers techniques sur appel en matière d’identification et de controle des armes conventionnelles, y compris les ALPC, les munitions et les explosifs

Les candidats qualifiés intéressés par ce poste sont invités à soumettre leur candidature accompagnée de leur UN Personal History Form (formulaire d’histoire personnelle de l’ONU, où vous pouvez remplir vos réponses en français), ainsi que d’une proposition financière et du questionnaire de sélection à avec le sujet « Vacancy 07-02-2024 ». La date limite de présentation des candidatures est le 07 août 2024.