UNLIREC representatives travelled to Paramaribo, Suriname to co-host a National Action Plan (NAP) finalisation workshop alongside Suriname’s Ministry of Defence. The workshop also devoted a number of afternoon sessions to select themes that corresponded with UNSCR 1540 implementation topics such as the creation of an inter-institutional mechanism, role and function of a national authority and the development of national control lists.
The workshop provided a forum for select group of representatives from national authorities including the Ministries of Defence, Foreign Affairs, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Attorney-Generals and Police and Trade. The workshop was also attended by a UNSCR 1540 Expert who was able to provide valuable insights that contributed to the enhanced development of Suriname’s NAP.
UNLIREC’s technical assistance was provided to Suriname as part of UNLIREC’s Programme for Strengthening the Capacities of States in Latin America and the Caribbean to Implement UNSCR 1540 (2004).