Who makes our work possible

“We live in a complex world. The United Nations cannot succeed alone. Partnership must continue to be at the heart of our strategy.”

António Guterres


Our Donors

Voluntary contributions from Member States on a multilateral and bilateral basis form the bulk of funding in support of UNLIREC’s mandate in the areas of disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation. While the UN regular budget is mostly responsible for supporting operational and core staff costs.

Other sources, such as the International Trust Funds, international partners and in-kind contributions from Latin American and Caribbean States, also make up an ever-growing portion of contributions to national project activities and regionally-based programmes.

However, predictable and adequate funding remains an on-going challenge for UNLIREC to support its Member States in their efforts to implement peace and disarmament measures and promote economic and social development.

Below you will find a list of our main donors and Trust Funds:

International donor community


European Union

Federal Republic of Germany

Kingdom of Spain

Kingdom of Sweden

United Kingdom

United States of America

Bilateral contributions from Latin American and Caribbean States

United Mexican States

Republic of Panama

Republic of Peru

Trust Funds


Arms Trade Treaty Voluntary Trust Fund

United Nations Secretary-General's Peacebuilding Fund


UN Trust Facility Supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation


The Savings Lives Entity

Programmes Financed From Voluntary Contributions 2018-2019


The support we receive from partners is essential for UNLIREC to fulfill its mandate in the field and to provide quality and expert assistance to our Member States. We are constantly working to strengthen current and identify new partnerships for disarmament, including with women’s and youth groups, as called for in the publication ‘Securing Our Common Future: A Disarmament Agenda’. In this Agenda, UN Secretary-General appeals to all relevant UN agencies to reinforce their partnerships at all levels. UNLIREC does so by:

Engaging Regional Organizations

Engagement at the regional and subregional levels has long been an integral component of the United Nations disarmament toolkit, as well as a standing priority for the United Nations system. Regional arrangements can reinforce general norms and principles, complement multilateral treaties and regimes and tailor approaches in disarmament to local contexts.

UNLIREC is currently working with the following regional organizations:


Organization of American States


Caribbean Community Implementation Agency For Crime And Security


Working Group on Firearms and Ammunition of Mercosur and Associate States and Central American Integration System

Enhancing Participation by Civil Society and Engagement by the Private Sector

Civil society plays an indispensable role in all aspects of disarmament by contributing to basic research and serving as sources for technical knowledge. Humanitarian organizations have brought experiences and data collected from the field and have served as conduits for bringing the voices and experiences of affected communities directly into deliberative processes. And behind nearly every successful major new initiative over the past 20 years, there has been a campaign or network led by advocacy organizations and concerned global citizens. Civil society has been the community’s collective repository for knowledge, institutional memory and perspective.

UNLIREC is currently working with the following civil society organizations and/or private sector entities:


Training Institute for Sustainable Development


Foundation of Studies for the Application of Law


Latin America and the Caribbean Human Security Network

Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress

Sou da Paz Institute


Women’s Institute for Alternative Development


Foundation for Peace and Democracy


Foundation of Studies for the Application of Law


Global Foundation for Democracy and Development


International Action Network on Small Arms


Gender Equality Network for Small Arms Control


Conflict Armament Research

Control Arms


Geneva Centre for Security Policy


International firearm injury prevention and policy


Stockholm International Peace Research Institute


Small Arms Survey


Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom

Humanium Metal


The Stimson Center


James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies


Verification Research, Training and Information Centre

Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique