On 7 March, UNLIREC held consultations with the Government of Peru to elaborate its Draft National Action Plan on implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004). This meeting brought together 19 representatives from nine institutions and agencies, including Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Production, National Police, Customs & Excise National Agency and Fire Department, among others.
During the one-day workshop, the group discussed the content of a Voluntary National Action Plan that is to be submitted to the 1540 Committee in the near future. UNLIREC seized the opportunity to provide support in the process of identifying needs, priorities and next steps to articulate national efforts towards UNSCR 1540 implementation. In particular, issues relating to the modernization of non-proliferation legislation, including in the biological ambit, and institutional strengthening and training needs were pointed out by authorities as essential areas to be addressed.
Prior to this workshop, in November 2016, UNLIREC presented its national legal study and its main recommendations to Peruvian authorities for better aligning 1540 obligations with national provisions.
This meeting forms part of the Canadian funded portion of UNLIREC’s 1540 Assistance Package.